Breathtaking Moments in Laos

It’s funny how life makes full circles.

I’m in Laos in the middle of the jungle. I’m sitting in the highest treehouse in the world and having flashbacks of being 8. I’m looking at a sign on a wooden post in this Laotian fort that says something along the lines of “keep food out of bags because of rats” and being taken back to when the rats infested the sleeping bags in the treehouse my Dad and Grandpa had built for Rob and I. I laugh and can’t help but think I was meant to come here. To experience this memory again.

World’s Highest Tree House, Gibbon Experience Laos

I’m kayaking along the Mekong river and two Korean guys in the boat next to us are challenging us to a race. I started paddling. Left, Right, Left, Right. I’m having a flashback to being in 3rd grade competing against the boys soccer team. Adrenaline flowing through me and I just wanted to win so bad. My competitive side kicking in. We have to beat the boys!

Kayaking Mekong River, Vang Vieng

I meet a new friend on a trek and when we say our farewells we mention maybe seeing each other again soon! Out of all the buses we could take, our paths end cross again en route to another town along our journey. We end up spending hours sharing stories of our lives back home, eating local food, talking over our adventures traveling and watching the sunset.

Vientiane Sunset near Night Market

I’m really beginning to see that the less I try to control the more I allow the flow, the journey, and these “coincidences” or “circles” to happen as they were meant to be on their own. Not that everything has to have a grandiose meaning either. Sometimes it’s just a reminder that today I’m where I need to be. Allowing myself to book my next bus or plane when it feels right to leave rather than planning and controlling the journey. Or allowing myself to decide in the morning if my bodies ready for exercise rather than forcing myself to go because I told myself the night before this was “the plan.” It is freeing to not always be planning, deciding and doing in order to control outcome. I believe the universe has a plan for each one of us. The more we listen, the more we allow the spontaneity of life to occur… or maybe it’s more like the plan that god ultimately has for each one of us to unfold.

There’s something so special in moments that take your breathe away. Sometimes this comes from just looking at something like the world’s highest tree houses, astonishing colored waterfalls, or beautiful sunsets. But here in Laos, I’ve been even more astonished by the universe allowing me to reconnect with my past and meet up with new friends again in the future. Telling me that I’m supposed to do this. I’m supposed to be here. “I thought about one of my favorite Sufi poems, which says that God long ago drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now. I was never not coming here. This was never not going to happen.” (Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love)

Below are more pictures of my 10 day journey in Laos. I went from Luang Prabang (Mount Phousi, Kuang Si Waterfall, Night Market) to Huay Xai then took a 3 day trek with Gibbon Experience (world’s highest treehouses) to Vang Vieng (kayaking, caving, tubing, treking) to Vientiane (capital of Laos). Let me know if you want any suggestions!

Mount Phousi, Luang Prabang
Sunset Mount Phousi, Luang Prabang
Night Market Luang Prabang
BBQ, Luang Prabang
Noodle Soup, Luang Prabang
Kuang Si Waterfalls outside of Luang Prabang
Kuang Si Waterfalls outside of Luang Prabang
Swimming in Kuang Si Waterfalls outside of Luang Prabang
Coconut Pancakes Luang Prabang
Cats playing at hostel in Huay xai
Huay xai
Gibbon Experience Trek Group
Tree House at Gibbon Experience
Zip Lining Gibbon Experience
Cave outside of Vang Vieng
Walk near Vang Vieng
Kayaking up to bar Vang Vieng
Taken from Pan’s Place, Vang Vieng
Sunset Vientiane

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